This is what they are saying about my pregnancy: At 11 inches (the length of a spaghetti squash) and almost 1 pound, your baby is starting to look like a miniature newborn. His lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and he's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath his gums. His eyes have formed, but his irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment. If you could see inside your womb, you'd be able to spot the fine hair (lanugo) that covers his body and the deep wrinkles on his skin, which he'll sport until he adds a padding of fat to fill them in. Inside his belly, his pancreas — essential for the production of some important hormones — is developing steadily.
However, I feel that my baby is a little bit ahead of this because 2 weeks ago he weighed 15 oz. which is almost a pound... So maybe he is further along. Who knows. I have been doing ok. Lately I have been experiencing some dizziness. I thought it was due to not eating something at the right time but now it is starting to happen even shortly after I eat. I looked up some things on the internet and they said it could have to do with the circulation. I still might call the doctor to be sure.
Mason and I are very excited for Peanut. We have started cleaning out some things in the house so we can make way for him to be here! We can't wait.